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воскресенье, 10 марта 2013 г.

Summary 12-20

Crabbe and Strickland went to a restaurant for dinner, and Crabbe awkwardly tried to think what to say next. He did not know how to deal with Strickland's indifference, and his admissions that he had done a heartless thing to his family. In the face of such resignation, Crabbe did not see the point of trying to appeal to Strickland's conscience. Instead he asked Strickland what his fellow art students and art teachers  had thought of his painting. Strickland wryly admited that others make fun of him, and did not think he had any talent. Strickland also did not seem to care about any of the glamor of Paris, nor the beautiful women there. A young whore tried to take him home with her from the restaurant, saying that she would not even charge him.

1 комментарий:

  1. Fair!

    Instead OF ASKING…..wryly admitted…
    …MADE fun of him…
    …To care NEITHER OF….NOR the beautiful women…ETC
