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вторник, 26 ноября 2013 г.


Dangerous Minds

 The title of the film I’m going to tell you about is Dangerous Minds, directed by John N. Smith. It is distinguished by its hand-picked cast - Michelle Pfeiffer, George Dzundza, Robin Bartlett. What is worth mentioning is the real background for the film. Dangerous Minds was adapted from a memoir by Lou Anne Johnson entitled -My Posse Don't Do Homework.

When a retired U.S. Marine, LouAnne Johnson, decides to become a teacher, she is given a class of tough, street-wise kids, involved in gangs and drugs. Her initially meek demeanor, small stature, and white skin earn her the nickname "white bread" from her students. Determined to have them trust and respect her, she quickly changes her presentation, wearing leather jackets, teaching karate to her students and cursing in the classroom. Creating her own curriculum for her "socially challenged" class, she starts having them read poetry, using Bob Dylan lyrics to teach symbolism. Johnson rewards her students for their hard work by giving them candy bars to say good job, toy prizes and trip to a boardwalk theme park. Along with helping her students with school work, she also provides emotional support to several students, including a couple of wise-cracking boys who are too caught up in street politics for their own good, and a teen who's dealing with the reality of being pregnant in high school. Although she intends to leave at the end of the year, the students quote the lyrics of a Dylan Thomas poem that they learned and insist that she's their "light" and refuse to let her leave. Touched, she agrees to stay.

 I’m deeply impressed by the way Luanne made the teens listen to her. At first I thought it would be impossible. She ultimately gets them to open up to learning and literature, through a combination of bribery (candy bars) and intimidation (her karate training from the Marines comes in handy), and she's able to reach out to the students who need her the most: Callie, a bright girl who believes she's thrown away her future when she becomes pregnant; Emilio, a macho bully whose violence is stifling his academic potential; and Raul, the brightest kid in the class, who is afraid to show his intelligence.

 Although the story is based on a real one, such stories always seem almost impossible for me. It’s too difficult to grow up some kind of hope and will in neglected children and only strong persons can do it, but not at once. Michele Pfeifer is great in the film. She managed to express real excitement, resolution and fearlessness. Despite her fragile appearance she played a role of a strong and experienced woman and did brilliantly.

 “Dangerous Minds" is indeed a powerful, emotionally charged film that knocked me over the head with its solid acting, its skillful manipulation of the emotions and the true-to-life ABC of teaching. Really, I’m grateful to have such a thought provoking film in my collection. I think, it does deserve watching.


воскресенье, 17 ноября 2013 г.

Laboratory Works

Laboratory Work 3

1) In my opinion, the main reason for students to stay away is laziness and lack of willpower. Most pupils just can't make themselves get up from bed, get dressed and go to school, which is sometimes several metres away( I don't even speak of those who travel far to get to school in time). Some children are bored at classes, when they have much more interesting activities to be engaged in, the more so that small children often can't understand what benefits education can provide with, as they don't think about the future. 

1) Dr Greenway implies that some children who play truant are never punished (C)

2) Why do some parents take their children on holiday during term time? To spend time together(B)

3) Why is it difficult for schools to convince students to attend regularly? Some teachers behave irresponsibly (C)

4) How has the government reacted to truancy? They are only just beginning to help (B)

5) Why are the government having talks with travel agent? To make sure that children don't play truant (B)

6) What are the aims of behaviour improuvement projects? To teach parents to be responsible (A)

7) What does Dr Greenway say about the law against truancy? Many parents face criminal charges (C)

3)  I would like to choose three main aspects. First of all, lessons should be made more interesting and some new methods and technologies of education should be found to attract children's attention to studies-monotonous school routine only makes pupils bored. Secondly, parents need to be responsible for their children's doing well at school and set a good exemple for children themselves. Finally, they should teach their kids to respect school together with teachers. 

Laboratory Work 4

1) According to the speakers, the main advantage of a state school is its being free, while public schools are quite expensive. But at puplic scools, instructors are better, as well as facilities. At the same time in state schools students are mixed (both rich and poor). The girl thinks that both types are expensive, but students' being mixed-up at state schools makes them more interesting and captivating. The young man says that the advantage of going to public school is an ability to get a better job. If i personally was in the girl's shoes, I 'd better go to public school, as it provides more opportunities to settle my affairs well.


-school education is compulsory
-there are state schools and independent schools
-school education includes primary and secondary schools-
schools subjects are almost the same in 3 countries
-students have to take exams before leaving school
-there exist school uniforms in 3 countries
-there are sets of exams in 3 countries
-there are always exams at the end of school life


-in the USA a kindergarden is compulsory
-school daily routine is not the same in 3 countries
-extra-curricular activities, optional courses ( are not usually present in Russia)
-different stages of education 
-in Britain and in the USA exams are taken several times through school life


Movie has a great impact on people. We like to watch movies because they tell us different stories and make us think about the way we live. Now I’d like to speak about the movie The Ron Clark Story.

The Ron Clark Story is a 2006 television film based on the real educator Ron Clark. It centers on a white teacher from a small town, who moves to New York City and tries to make a difference in the lives of his students. Naturally, nobody thinks it is possible and even the students themselves do not believe in their progress and success.

 In fact, the movie touches upon several educational problems. Let me start with the problem of teaching. Nowadays there are lots of teaching methods, but some schools remain using only the traditional ones. In the movie we may see such a problem. In fact, the principal wants the pupils to have high scores for tests only in order to get governmental funding. He does not believe in the new methods of educating. Nevertheless, Ron Clark continues his new teaching.

 One more problem that is touched upon in the movie is the discipline. Ron Clark gets a class with poor marks and a poor motivation. So Ron Clark does everything as a teacher, trying to gain respect from both teachers and pupils. He tries different techniques, for example: he uses visual aids and songs in order to make the process interesting for the pupils. His main principles are: to be a family, respect each other, dream big and take risks. Only with the help of these principles, Ron Clark can motivate the children.

 But for excellent results the kids should also do exercises, read books and remember lots of facts. Parents should help a child to cope with all possible difficulties in the course of study. However, the movie shows us the children from problem families or families with the only parent and many kids. Indeed, Ron Clark finds the solution to the problem – he gives extra classes in cafes, at home throughout the week. Even when he falls ill, he records his lessons for kids. At last, his efforts haven't been wasted. His pupils get high scores at the exam.

Finally, the movie The Ron Clark Story shows the education system from the inside. As a result, the education problems become evident. Unfortunately, nowadays most children are not really motivated in studying. That's why each school demands such great teachers as Ron Clark.